Friday, July 2, 2010



   Here are a few more pictures...  Thank you to all the wonderful people who have assisted us.  We are taking a short break from construction due to some unforeseen circumstances.  We hope to be back at it in a couple of weeks.  We are currently working with an injured starving horse, “Ruby.”   She has been receiving lots of love and food from us and has been improving.  When we brought her home she could barely stand, after several days of feeding her while she was lying down, she became strong enough to get and join the other horses.  We hope with more time she will recover completely.  Thank you all for you support. 


Nate & Andrea


  1. What a great pile of bricks. Did you make them yourselves?

  2. Very cool! Glad to see you are doing well. Would really love to make it down in the next couple years... Keep up the good work and thanks for staying in touch!
